Where to Get Your Flu Vaccine in the Chicago Area and Flu Shot Myths to Be Aware Of
October 29, 2018
Each flu season, millions of Americans are affected by the influenza virus. The good news is that the flu vaccine is available to help prevent you from suffering through illness. The key is to not wait too long to get the vaccine. Read more below to see the most common myths about flu shots debunked and where to get vaccinated in the Chicago area.
Myth #1: I got a flu shot last year, so I don’t need one this year.
Even if the vaccine does not change from the previous year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a yearly vaccine. Your immune system will naturally decline over time, and each season the vaccine is made to protect against the three or four most likely influenza viruses.
Myth #2: The flu vaccine can get you sick.
Vaccines are made with an inactive version of the virus and cannot make you sick. It can take one or two weeks for the vaccine to begin to work, so people who get sick during the period directly after the vaccination were going to fall ill anyways. Once the vaccine has taken effect, you are protected for the entire flu season.
Myth #3: I’m healthy, so I don’t need to get vaccinated.
The CDC recommends that anyone over the age of six months old should receive the flu vaccination. It is especially important to get the vaccine if you are at risk of serious health complications due to a chronic illness. Washing your hands regularly and avoiding close contact with those who have had the flu can also help you stay healthy.
Get Your Flu Shot Today
ACCESS offers the flu vaccination at all our 35 Chicago and surrounding suburban locations. Find your nearest ACCESS health center here. Our medical professionals can make sure you are ready for flu season and answer any questions you may have.
Don’t delay, get your flu shot today to help protect you and your family this season. Schedule an appointment today.