Jessica Munoz, M.S.W.

  • Behavioral Health

Languages Spoken: English, Spanish

Jessica Munoz earned her Master of Social Work degree at the University of Illinois Chicago after completing her practicum at the Gads Hill Center and Community Counseling Centers of Chicago. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker through the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. Jessica believes that every individual deserves access to mental health services as an essential part of one’s overall health care. In her practice, she provides a safe and supportive space for all individuals and empowers them to create a life they envision. When not at work, Jessica can be found trying new recipes, exploring new places, and spending time with her family. She is fluent in Spanish.


ACCESS Cabrini Family Health Center

3450 S. Archer Ave.
Chicago, IL 60608

ACCESS Plaza Family Health Center

2533 W. Cermak Road
Chicago, IL 60608